Arte y militancia para lograr justicia Artículos Derechos Humanos Exigibilidad Poder popular por surgentes - junio 26, 20210 A Heidy la PNB le asesinó a su hijo de 13 años, Ricardo, y a su sobrino de 17, Jhonaikel, en diciembre de 2018, mientras hacían un nacimiento al frente de su casa, en el Km 0 de la Panamericana (El Valle, Caracas). También hirieron en el brazo a su
Counterhegemonic Approach to Human Rights: A Conversation with Antonio González Plessmann Artículos Derechos Humanos Exigibilidad Publicación por surgentes - junio 25, 2021junio 25, 20210 A Venezuelan activist and researcher talks to us about a recent human rights report. A newly-published Surgentes report states that in recent years the Venezuelan government has been moving towards the right. The document focuses on what it calls a “democratic deficit” at the governmental level. This is particularly concerning in
A Counterhegemonic Approach to Human Rights: A Conversation with Antonio González Plessmann Derechos Humanos Exigibilidad Publicación por surgentes - junio 25, 2021junio 25, 20210 Entrevista a Antonio González Plessmann para Venezuela Analysis A newly-published Surgentes report states that in recent years the Venezuelan government has been moving towards the right. The document focuses on what it calls a “democratic deficit” at the governmental level. This is particularly concerning in a project that has long been